Welcome to the 2012 PHYSOC page!

2013 Website is now live

The new PHYSOC webpage for 2013 is live. Now with photos and MathJax!

End of Session Dinner!

The 2012 End of Session 2 Dinner will be held on Wednesday 17th Octover at Giovannas (just down Anzac Pde). For more details, please visit our Facebook Event or RSVP directly here.

First Year Info Session

Event for all 1st Year Physics Majors to speak to higher years and Physoc Exec about Highers Years physics. Advice offered on subjects, textbooks and how to survive in general...More info, please visit our Facebook Event. Event Flyer

New Executive Members

Following the 2012 AGM, please welcome our new executive comittee for 2013:

2013 will be a great year and we have some exicitng plans for more and new events! Keep an eye out for them.


Physoc will be holding its AGM from 5pm till Late on Friday the 14th of September (Week 8) in the PHYSOC room. More details are avaliable on the events page or on the Facebook event.


Physoc has set up a blog to keep you up to date with physics news from UNSW and around the world, go and check it out here.

Upcoming events and Colloquia:

From Planets to Starquakes: A new view from the Kepler space telescope (free public talk)

A talk from Dr. Simon O'Toole on Friday the 14th of September at 6:30pm in the Physics Lecture Theatre. See the School of Physics website for more information and to register.

Testing Astronomical Observations in Aboriginal Archaeological Sites

by Dr. Duane Hamacher, Nura Gili Institute, University of New South Wales, 3-4pm, Tuesday 25th of September.

Start of session Burgerque!

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Burgerque last Thursday, keep an eye out for more great upcoming events in the near future.

PHYSOC Facebook Page

Physoc has a facebook group! Click here to go to our group page